These simple steps will help you work through discovering your unique contribution.


Finding your purpose can seem daunting. Another way to think about purpose is to consider what your unique contribution to the world will be.

Working through these steps will give you more clarity.

Step 1. Make a list of your passions. Your purpose is often connected to your passion, and our passions give us fuel to accomplish great things.

Step 2. Take a moment to write down your answer to this question: “If you had unlimited resources, time, and energy, what would your day look like tomorrow?” This answer reveals how you would spend your time. Most people would spend their time doing what matters most to them. Working through this question will help you think about what’s most important to you.

Step 3. Make a list of the things you are great at doing. These things may seem easy to you. But remember, they’re probably not easy for everyone. Don’t discredit your talents because you think anyone can do them. Keep in mind that YOUR strengths are absolutely someone else’s weaknesses. These natural gifts are an important aspect of your unique contribution.

Step 4. Ask a select group of family and friends to share what they believe you would be great at doing. You will likely find commonality among their responses. Consider this: Our family and friends see things about us that we don’t always see or appreciate ourselves.

Step 5. Go on an adventure. Changing your routine will help you discover new things about yourself.

“A change of pace plus a change of place equals a change of perspective.”
— Mark Batterson

Step 6. Pray. Do you believe that you were created for a purpose? If so, ask God for clarity. A spiritual journey can open up a new way of viewing the world around you.

Step 7. Answer this question. “What frustrates you the most?” Our frustrations lead to opportunities. Your purpose should always look to meet a need. Perhaps the problem you see is the problem you’re supposed to solve.

Step 8. Do a self-assessment. There are several self-assessments you can take to help you identify your key strengths and weaknesses. The 16 Personality Test is a great starting point. Invest in yourself. Figuring out your unique contribution to the world is worth more than you can imagine.

Step 9. What legacy are you leaving behind? What impact would you like to make in your family and community? Being legacy-minded helps you narrow your focus. Your purpose should be the vehicle for making this happen.

Step 10. Relax and give yourself some credit. Discovering your unique contribution takes time. Enjoy each step of the journey. Clarity usually comes in phases.

Stay Inspired,


