Everyone has to develop a network.
Let’s get really good at it


Regardless of our industry, each of us has to become an expert at connecting with like-minded people. The success of our business depends on our ability to network efficiently and develop meaningful relationships.

We don’t get the option of skipping this skill set and moving on to more attractive topics like leadership development and innovation. Learning how to develop connections with people inside and outside of our industry is vital.

Here’s what I’ve learned on my journey to becoming a “Networking Master.”

Tip #1: Real Connections Lead To Real Return

Invest in making connections with people as if you knew it would yield a million-dollar return. In reality, some of the connections you make have the potential to do just that! Have hopeful expectations during every conversation. You never know where a new professional relationship will lead.

Tip #2: Request Coffee, Not Business Cards

It’s common to exchange contact information when networking. But I rarely offer a business card without also offering to connect further over coffee. The coffee convos are a two-for-one deal. When you request a coffee date with someone you’ve just met, swapping contact information becomes inevitable. Besides, how well can you really get to know someone in a two-minute interaction at an overcrowded networking event? Setting a follow-up appointment gives you more time to develop a genuine connection.

Tip #3: Get To Know The Real Person

Everyone craves authentic relationships. Be sure you provide this when making new connections. I always ask a set of questions that help to break the ice. I typically begin with asking questions about their professional experience and slowly transition into asking broader questions about their life, aspirations, and goals.

Good Questions You Can Ask:

1. Tell me about what you do professionally.

2. Talk to me about your industry.

3. How long do you plan on remaining in this field?

4. If you could do something different professionally, what would it be?

Tip #4: Offer Value First

They say it’s better to give than to receive. When it comes to networking and developing connections with people, the same principle applies. Within the first few minutes of your interaction with someone new, listen for an opportunity to add value. Don’t suck the life out of the other person. Admittedly, this takes practice because our human need for self-preservation causes us to be instinctively selfish. This challenge is always at work in our relationships. Acknowledging this tendency is maturity. Actively working on this is a certified difference-maker.

Tip #5: Remain Transparent

It’s important to remain transparent when developing new connections. When I follow up with people, I make my intentions very clear. The purpose of developing new connections is to find people you can add value to and also receive value from. Before you dive headfirst into a conversation, make sure the other person understands that your priority is to find ways to support their efforts and then figure out how to maximize this new relationship to support your endeavors.

Tip #6: Lead With A Compelling Story

A compelling story should be just that — compelling! Take people on a journey through your experience. Make it exciting for them to get to know you. When you invite people to see who you really are, you make authentic relationships possible.

Compelling Story Components

1. This is what I do now..

2. Here is how I got here…

3. This is where I’m going…

4. Here is how you can support…

Tip #7: Know What You Have To Offer

Learning ways to add value to other people starts with knowing what you have to offer. During your conversation, it’s important to consider how you can provide tangible support. Regularly evaluate what you can contribute to others. For one person, you may be able to offer mentorship; for another, you may offer a partnership. Perhaps there is a product or service that you provide that can help fill a need. In either case, it’s important to have a firm grasp on all of your resources.

Tip #8: Know Where You Need Support

On the flip side, you should also be aware of what you need. Assessing the needs of your company, project, and/or cause is critical to receiving support from new connections. If someone asks, “How can I support you?” but you don’t have an answer ready….you just missed out big time! Remember, resources tend to favor people who have a plan for them.

Tip #9: Remember That It’s Worth It

You have the potential to impact the lives of every person you meet. So whether or not a conversation leads to landing a huge deal, they are all worth the investment. People are worth the investment. Slowing down long enough to develop an intentional relationship might be one of the best things you do for yourself and others all week. See every interaction as an opportunity for personal growth, and go for it!

Stay Inspired,


